You May Want to Run a Virtual Cocktail Club?

You May Want to Run a Virtual Cocktail Club?

How do you grow influence, build connections, and reinforce relationships during COVID-19 and after? You may want to run a virtual cocktail club. Many of us were doing networking luncheons, going to after work happy hours, and attending post workday networking events prior to March 2020. Those things are so 2019! The networking world is more viable via virtual meetings than you may realize. Liquid to Lips Marketing is a spirits, wine, and beer marketing company. We have been coordinating spirits, wine, and beer club type events for years. So, why would you want to run a virtual cocktail club? If…
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Writing Bartenders Wanted

Writing Bartenders Wanted

Why would a spirits, wine, and beer post writing bartenders wanted? Creative bartenders should spend this time in history to build a personal brand. Liquid to Lips Marketing has invested heavily in technology that will serve bartenders with brands well when on-premise spirits, wine, and beer spending starts again. What opportunities exist now? Virtual events are significantly growing. Some agencies that served brands on key on-premise campaigns have been slow to navigate these new opportunities. For the writing bartender, posting thoughtful content on our platform, opportunities will come. Brands are showing a willingness to support bartenders in creative ways. How so?…
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Campaigns for Spirits Brands Should be Measurable

Campaigns for Spirits Brands Should be Measurable

When Shared Spirits sought to bring technology to the market, we felt campaigns for spirits brands should be measurable. It's interesting. Brands have known about our work but still found it difficult to justify measuring their campaigns in truly accountable ways. It's as though decision makers in the spirits and wine world don't really want to know the truth about their marketing activities. Marketing in the spirits space hasn't been strategic. It's been more of a carpet bomb philosophy. "If I spend it this way, the brand's case counts will go up." The real definition of success? Shouldn't the real…
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The Three Most Popular COVID Era Cocktails

The Three Most Popular COVID Era Cocktails

Alcohol sales for the past three months have grown by 27%, CNN reports as of June 10th, 2020. We thought it was a great time to share the three most popular COVID era cocktails. Even as some bars and restaurants reopen, alcohol delivery services like Drizly, which reports a 400% increase in sales, continue to do a booming business, Bloomberg reported. With bars and restaurants closed or nearly closed, it makes sense that recent sales trends depict the massive shift in where consumers buy and ultimately where they consume their adult beverages of choice. Compared with this time a year ago, during the seven-week…
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Three Steps to Virtual Activation

Three Steps to Virtual Activation

There may be no better time to bring a spirits or wine product to market than right now. Take a hard look at these three steps to virtual activation. Consider this The current crisis has leveled the playing field. On-premise payola, yes, there, I said it, is of little value. Big brands just don't have the same advantage they used to have. They can't just charge into a big account, pay huge dollars for sponsoring a playlist or some other nonsense and muscle your brand out of the way. Your brand has the ability to leverage digital in true guerrilla…
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Three Reasons to Rebate

Three Reasons to Rebate

Suppliers and manufactures of adult beverages need good reasons to spend marketing money. We offer three reasons to rebate. Let's get right to it. One: You don't know who your customer really is. We've been pounding this point for years. Your agency has been telling you social engagement tells you enough about your demographic to know who your customers are. Not true. You don't know who your customer really is. There are no metrics in place in your current campaigns measuring the lifetime value of your customers. The right supplier retail rebate program with three reasons to rebate can deliver…
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Five Steps to Your Profitable Virtual Event

Five Steps to Your Profitable Virtual Event

If you're an independent restaurant, you may wish to learn five steps to your profitable virtual event. Note! This post isn't meant to solve all the problems that plague the restaurant business. We're providing a way to supplement takeout and curbside pickup revenue. Liquid to Lips Marketing recently facilitated a successful virtual event for a well established independent operator in Nashville, TN. Read about it here. So, let's get started. Remember, the goal is to build sales for both the restaurant and the spirits, wine, or beer brand. Step One: If you're a restaurant operator. Invite a wine brand, beer brand,…
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Four Steps to Better COVID-19 Era Brand Ambassadors

Four Steps to Better COVID-19 Era Brand Ambassadors

Some in the spirits and wine industry state that marketing money is being spent in totally different ways than planned in Q1. We're providing four steps to better COVID-19 era brand ambassadors. After all, the on-premise channel for brand-building has taken a big hit. Forbes reported on June 16th that up to 85% of independent restaurants could close permanently without federal assistance. I propose that spirits ambassadors need new tools. I'll define spirits ambassador as follows: A contracted individual sampling at a retail accountA salaried sales repA distributor sales rep authorized to implement some activation program for the brand and…
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Four Current Ways to Improve Your Sampling

Four Current Ways to Improve Your Sampling

1) Target your audience in conjunction with key on-premise and retail accounts. One of the better explained "liquid to lips" campaigns is explained on the site found here: An excerpt below: "The brand teams conducted on-site surveys at various liquor stores in three US regions: New York-New Jersey (NY-NJ), Eastern Pennsylvania (PA), and North Florida (FL). We also had a plethora of field staff reporting data available to link with the survey results. There were differences in impact between the regions, which field staff reporting identified. The program was centered on the “liquid-to-lips” experience, so we tracked the number of…
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My customer is worth how much?

My customer is worth how much?

In today’s world of data collection and loyalty programs, brands still don't know what their customers are worth. Brands would like this information. There are ways for them to obtain it. It's not rocket science. Let us start with a basic definition of customer life time value or CLTV. "CLTV is the value a customer contributes to your business over the entire lifetime at your company. It is a very important metric and is used while making important decisions about sales, marketing, product development, and customer support." This definition is from the Economic Times. In February 2015, Nielsen fielded an…
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